General terms & conditions

General Terms & Conditions

  • The age limit to participate in the 15km Trail Race is 18+ years old (born at least in 2006 or before)
  • The age limit to participate in the 10km Trail Race is 12+ years old (born at least in 2012 or before)
  • The age limit to participate in the 5km Trail Race is 12+ years old (born at least in 2012 or before)
  • The age limit to participate in the 1.5 miles Swimming Race is 14+ years old (born at least in 2010 or before). For the swimming race, athletes must be at least 14 years old or turning 14 within the calendar year. A relevant parental consent for any non-adult competitor is requested.
  • For all runners, and swimmers under the age of 18, the participation application is submitted by the person exercising parental responsibility. By submitting the corresponding participation application, it is considered that parental consent has been given for the participation of the child in the race.
  • Participants in the “SANTORINI EXPERIENCE” are fully aware of and understand the full risks involved in their participation in the race, in regards to possible damages, or harm to their health.
  • Every runner/swimmer participates in the event at his/her own free will.
  • Every runner/swimmer participates in the event on his/her own responsibility and bears full responsibility as to his/her fitness condition and ability to participate.
  • The SANTORINI EXPERIENCE and the Organizing Committee of the event carry no responsibility in case of injury, damage, or any other harm that may be caused by participating, or spectating the event.
  • Only runners/swimmers who have officially, and in time registered for the event can participate in the “SANTORINI EXPERIENCE” races.
  • Participants are obligated to bear the race bib that they were given by the Organizing Committee of the event, on the front of their chest. In any other case, it is possible that they are disqualified from the race.
  • All participants must respect and follow the regulations of the event, before, during, and after the race.
  • The “SANTORINI EXPERIENCE” event takes place the day and time that has been announced as such, regardless of weather conditions. Only in cases of exceptional circumstances or other force majeure incidents, SANTORINI EXPERIENCE and the Organizing Committee of the event have the right to decide on the postponement of the start time or the cancellation of the event, depending on the current conditions. In such cases, the registration fee is NOT refunded to the registered runners/swimmers but can be transferred.
  • SANTORINI EXPERIENCE and the Organizing Committee of the event have the right to change the event’s schedule, the terms and conditions regarding participation and staging of the event, without prior notice, by posting such a decision on the website of SANTORINI EXPERIENCE.
  • Participants agree that their personal data may be given to third parties for reasons related to timing, results’ ranking and announcement on the internet. Personal data of the participants required during the registration procedure are stored and will be used for purposes only related to the staging of the event. By submitting an entry form, each participant consents to the storing of his/her personal data and its use for the purposes of the event.
  • Participants consent to the use of their image during the race by the organizers, sponsors, or other partners of the event for promotional purposes, with no right to claim full or partial compensation for that reason.
  • The organizing committee can prohibit the participation of an athlete who does not comply with the relevant terms of the event or if it deems that his/her appearance is not appropriate.
  • The organization reserves the right to change the terms of participation in any case.
  • The organization reserves the right to change the terms of participation in any case or other elements of its proclamation without prior notice, provided that it makes the relevant announcement.

Registration Terms & Conditions

  • The SANTORINI EXPERIENCE and the “SANTORINI EXPERIENCE” Organizing Committee have the right to suspend, or close registrations without prior notice.
  • Registration to any of the “SANTORINI EXPERIENCE” races is possible only through the online registration platform available in the official event’s website, or by any alternative way indicated by the Organizing Committee.
  • A registration is considered valid on the condition that it has been successfully submitted as stated above and that the registration fee, as determined on the date of registration, is successfully paid, while the amount of the registration fee has been credited to the organizers’ accounts. The participant is responsible for any banking or other expenses.
  • Changes on confirmed registrations (runners/swimmers’ replacement, change of race etc.) are not possible under any circumstances after the closure of registration period, for any of the event’s races, or after a certain date determined by the Organizing Committee.
  • Cancellations of confirmed registrations are only possible in accordance with the cancellation policy of the event, as indicated in this term. Refund of the total amount is approved in case of non-participation notice latest by 20/08/2024. Organization has the right to proceed to any changes (dates, routes) in case of extreme weather conditions or force majeure in order to facilitate and ensure the safety of the athletes. In the unlikely case of a race or the event in total being cancelled there are no refunds given and the next appropriate event will be offered as compensation. In the case of a race or the event in total being cancelled, the organization has no responsibility for any costs incurred to the participants and their escorts because of cancellation including any travel or accommodation costs, and transfer to the event location.
  • Post confirmation of the registration, no further change regarding the selected t-shirt size of the runner/swimmer is possible (in case of confirmed registration in the Advanced or Full Registration Level).

Race Bibs & Kits Collection Terms & Conditions (Acquisition of Official Number of Participation):

  • Race bibs and kits are personally collected by the registered runners/swimmers themselves and only from the event’s Registration Centre during the days and hours announced. The registered runner/swimmer needs to present a valid identification document (ID card, passport etc.). A registered runner/swimmer may authorize another person to collect his/her race bib on his/her behalf from the event’s Registration Centre, as mentioned above, presenting an authorization by the registered runner/swimmer on the responsibility, of the latter, as well as a copy of the ID card or other legal identification document (for example passport, driving license) of the registered runner.
  • In order to collect race bibs and race kits, it is required, in addition to presenting ID card or other legal identification document (eg passport, driving license) of the registered runner/swimmer, to also present a copy of the “bib number notification e-mail” that states the runner’s/swimmer’s race bib, and is sent to all registered runners/swimmers.
  • Participants who complete their registration until 20/8/2024, will receive their personalized race bib and race kit. Those who register at a later date, might not get an official timing or receive the commemorative T-shirt/bag.
  • Runner/swimmer replacement(s), and/or change in the selected race, are not possible under any circumstances during collection of race bib and kits at the event’s Registration Centre. Only validation of the runner’s data and update of his/her personal information is possible at that stage.
  • Race bibs and kits are not sent anywhere, under any circumstances, either by regular mail or any other way to their rightful runner/swimmer, before, during, or after the operating days and hours of the event’s Registration Centre.
  • Race bibs and kits that are not properly collected during the operating days and hours of the event’s Registration Centre, may not be collected under no circumstances thereafter.
  • Every participant will receive with his participation kit: bag, technical t-shirt, medal (finishers), timing chip, swimming cap (it only applies for the swimming route),  race number with safety pins (for running), waterproof race number (for swimming), personal belongings storage services (includes the relevant sticker for the drop bag area), supply at the start/finish and along the running route (water, bananas), supply at the finish of the swimming route (water, bananas), medical rescue team at the running races and lifeguards at the swimming race.

Participation (Race Day) Terms & Conditions

  • Participants are obliged to strictly follow the instructions of the organizers, volunteers, and event’s staff, including calls to abandon the course and stop the race.
  • Any breach or non-compliance with the race regulations announced by the SANTORINI EXPERIENCE result in the disqualification of the participant from the event and erasure from the race results without any kind of compensation.
  • All runners and swimmers must be present at the starting area of their race at least sixty (60) minutes before the start time.
  • On the day of the race, a personal belongings storage (drop-bag) area will be available. Only storage/transport bags provided by the organization will be accepted, and the relevant sticker included in the participation package must be affixed to them.
  • The race bib is personal and may not be conveyed, transferred, or be given to another runner/swimmer under any circumstances.
  • Participants are obliged to read and respect the instructions provided by the Organizing Committee of the event, either electronically, or in printed format (such as Medical & Technical Instructions, Race Manual) and which have been announced in the official website of the event.
  • Access to the race course and the areas at the start/finish of the event is not permitted under any circumstances, to non-registered runners/swimmers.
  • Every participant is obliged to fill in, on his/her own responsibility, the data required whether it is relevant to contact information, or personal medical data.
  • Use of bicycle or other wheeled/motor-driven mean is not allowed on the race course, whether it is about a runner/swimmer, or another accompanying person. In such case, the directly involved participant is excluded from the race and is called upon to withdraw from the event.
  • The time limit to finish the 15km Trail Race is set to one hundred and ninety-five (195) minutes from the start time of the race.
  • The time limit to finish the 10km Road Race is set to one hundred and thirty (130) minutes from the start time of the race.
  • The time limit to finish the 5km Road Race is set to sixty-five (65) minutes from the start time of the race.
  • The time limit to finish the 1.5miles Swimming Race is set to one hundred (100) minutes from the start time of the race.
  • The official time is the time from the starting signal. The net time is the time from the moment the participant passes the mat at the start line, until he/she crosses the relevant mat at the finish line.
  • Swimmers will be divided in groups, depending on the total participations
  • Participants in the 1.5 miles Swimming Race can compete with swimming goggles and swimsuit (wetsuit), however the time of those wearing swimsuit will not be included in the official results.
  • The use of masks, snorkel and flippers is not permitted.
  • Each participant in swimming will use an individual float (will be provided by the organizers) otherwise he/she will not be able to take part in the race.
  • Participants representing the Hellenic Swimming Federation must provide their respective health certificate.
  • Everyone else must provide a health certificate from a cardiologist, issued not earlier than 2 months before the event.
  • The technical director of the race and the judges appointed by the federation can unanimously stop an athlete in the 1.5 miles swimming race who does not follow the rules of open water swimming or if they consider that his/her physical integrity is endangered.
  • The race classification results from the official finish time. The net and split time is announced only for the information of the runner/swimmer.