Routes 2018
Santorini Experience Open Water Swimming
Location: Volcano – Old Port of Fira
The distance of “Santorini Experience” is 1.5 miles or 2.4 km
Start/ Finish
The starting line will be in the water in the harbor of the volcano. The finish line will be at the pier of the old port of Fira in specially formatted finish arch. In order to exit a pool ladder will be available.
Along the way there will be many experienced lifeguards and watercrafts for the safety of athletes. If you don’t feel well and you are not able to continue, you may move your hands up and down or move to the nearest watercraft.
* Athletes will be transferred by boat to the starting area.
Participants can compete with goggles or swimming mask and swimsuit or wetsuit. For those who wish to simply swim the course, the use of snorkel masks and fins will be permitted. However these participants will not be timed.
Other Information
In “Santorini Experience” there is timing. Distinguished age categories will be formed depending on the final participation entries, while an extra classification for those wearing wetsuits will be added.
The athletes should be at the old port at least 1 hour before the scheduled starting time.
The contestants can use the cable car connecting Fira to the old port. In the cable car entrance there will be a list with the first and last names of the contestants.
The viewers could visit the port by stairs or by cable car. They are able to share this unique experience from any part of Fira or Santorini with a view to Caldera.

5 km. Route
The route of 5 km. starts slightly downhill for about 250 meters to a wide dirt road and then follows a strongly uphill path 1,250 m long, with an average gradient of 12%. Then the dirt road path narrows and the form of the ground changes with several stones which need increased attention. The slope is downhill until the reversal point located midway (2.5 km.) where there will be a power station.
On returning we meet the maximum slope just before the 3.5 km., which is close to 40% (!) for about 100km. The last 1.5 km. of the route is downhill.
Technical characteristics of the route:
Start – stop Elevation: 146 m.
Reversal point Elevation: 173 m.
Maximum altitude: 293 m.
Minimum altitude: 135 m.
Total positive elevation: 313 m.
Maximum slope: 37.6 %
Route Ground: soil path with recessed stones in some places.

10km. Route
The route of 10 km. starts slightly downhill for about 250 meters to a wide dirt road and then follows a strongly uphill path 1,250 m long, with an average gradient of 12%. Then the dirt road path narrows and the form of the ground changes with several stones which need increased attention. The slope is downhill until the point located at 2.5 km. where there will be the first power station. Then the route continues on asphalt road for about 660 meters with moderate uphill slope, to get back on a path where the ground is soft and somewhat loose soil so you need a little attention as it is relatively slippery, with very steep slope for about 700 meters with breathtaking view. Attention at this point, you must move as far on the left side of the trail as possible.
The intense uphill ends at 3.8 km. at the chapel of Prophet Elias, where a concrete steep alley follows up to 4.5 km. which is 500 meters before the reversing point and the second power station. The way back is the same except for the point after the 6th km. where before you reach the chapel of Prophet Elias, you take the paved path (also needs enough attention) on the right side until you get back on the asphalt road at the 7th km. and in about 600 meters you get back on the path for the return where we meet the maximum slope just before 8.5 km., which is close to 40% (!) for 100 m. The last 1.5 km. of the route is downhill.
Technical characteristics of the route:
Start – stop Elevation: 146 m.
Reversal point Elevation: 245 m.
Maximum altitude: 293 m.
Minimum altitude: 135 m.
Total positive elevation: 570 m.
Maximum slope: 37.6 %
Route Ground: soil path with recessed stones in some places, asphalt road, paved path.

15km Route
The route of 15 km. starts slightly downhill for about 250 meters to a wide dirt road and then follows a strongly uphill path 1,250 m long, with an average gradient of 12%. Then the dirt road path narrows and the form of the ground changes with several stones which need increased attention. The slope is downhill until the point located at 2.5 km. where there will be the first power station. Then the route continues on asphalt road for about 660 meters with moderate uphill slope, to get back on a path where the ground is soft and somewhat loose soil so you need a little attention as it is relatively slippery, with very steep slope for about 700 meters with breathtaking view. Attention at this point, you must move as far on the left side of the trail as possible.
Η έντονη ανηφόρα τελειώνει στο 3,8 χλμ. στο εκκλησάκι του Προφ. Ηλία όπου ακολουθεί ένα τσιμεντένιο κατηφορικό δρομάκι μέχρι το 4,5 χλμ. και στη συνέχεια απομένουν 500 περίπου μέτρα μέχρι τον 2ο σταθμό τροφοδοσίας που βρίσκεται στο 5ο χλμ. Τα επόμενα 2 περίπου χιλιόμετρα είναι επίσης αρκετά ανηφορικά σε σταθερό αλλά αρκετά σκληρό έδαφος περνώντας μέσα από το Ημεροβίγλι με τη θέα να συνεχίζει να είναι εκπληκτική. Συνεχίζουμε μέχρι την είσοδο των Φηρών για να φτάσουμε στην εκκλησία του Άγιου Γεράσιμου όπου και βρίσκεται ο 3ος σταθμός τροφοδοσίας και το σημείο αναστροφής. Η διαδρομή της επιστροφής είναι η ίδια εκτός από το σημείο μετά το 11ο χλμ. όπου πριν το εκκλησάκι του Προφ. Ηλία, παίρνουμε το πλακόστρωτο μονοπάτι (χρειάζεται επίσης αρκετή προσοχή) που βρίσκεται στα δεξιά μέχρι να φτάσουμε ξανά στην άσφαλτο στο 12ο χλμ. και μετά από 600 περίπου μέτρα ξαναμπαίνουμε στο μονοπάτι για την επιστροφή όπου συναντάμε και τη μέγιστη κλίση λίγο πριν το 13,5 χλμ. η οποία πλησιάζει για 100 μ. το 40% (!). Τα τελευταία 1,5 χλμ. της διαδρομής είναι κατηφορικά.
Technical characteristics of the route:
Start – stop Elevation: 146 m.
Reversal point Elevation: 277 m.
Maximum altitude: 334 m.
Minimum altitude: 135 m.
Total positive elevation: 834 m.
Maximum slope: 37.6 %
Route Ground: soil path with recessed stones in some places, asphalt road, paved path.